Normire Quality Foods

   Fruit and Vegetables Suppliers to the Catering Trade

Growing passion

Normire sprouted its roots in 2022, emerging amidst the global transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing the pressing need to bolster farmers worldwide whose livelihoods had been severely impacted during the lockdown period, Normire was born with a mission to bridge the gap between growers and consumers.

In the aftermath of unprecedented challenges, we dedicated ourselves to tirelessly sourcing and supplying fresh fruits and vegetables from across the globe to meet the burgeoning demand of the UK market. Our commitment to supporting farmers, whose ability to supply stores had been hampered, drove us to work relentlessly, ensuring that their produce found a pathway to eager consumers.

Since our inception, Normire has been at the forefront of fostering resilient agricultural networks, connecting growers with communities thousands of miles away. As we traversed through uncertain times, our dedication to our core values of integrity, sustainability, and excellence remained unwavering.

Today, Normire stands as a beacon of reliability in the wholesale industry, delivering not just produce, but hope and prosperity to farming communities worldwide. With each shipment of vibrant fruits and crisp vegetables, we reaffirm our pledge to nurture a global ecosystem where farmers thrive and fresh produce graces every table in the UK.

Join us in our journey as we continue to cultivate connections, one harvest at a time. Normire: Bringing the world's bounty to your doorstep.

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